We were recently contacted by a few clients that are in mid-preps to a contest and they were asking how can they maintain the muscle mass while cutting. Trying to find the right figure for your physique isn’t easy. when loosing weight among with reducing carbs intake muscle mass can be harmed.
Contest prep packages includes substances and guidance with a custom nutrition plan for your exact physique & needs.
No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids some good and fresh backed up knowledge.
Pure Platinum athletes known as top end athletes worldwide, pro athletes that compete in all categories (man physique, body building etc).

lifting heavy while cutting carbs out?
Be Careful. low carbs intake reduces the water retention which will cause a drier look – but will also dry your muscles which can cause a harm.
Enhance your body with Pure Platinum Products.
A complete different level. Using our substances while cutting or adding some lean mass will actually promote and help achieve your goal quicker than you thought.
Drier And Heavier Every Year, This Is My Regular Brand.
James Brandon
But I must explain to you how important is guidance. abusing substances will get you no where, only harm yourself for the long term. If you really want to achieve some sick goals, Try Pure Platinum Plans for the right guidance, nutrition, workout plan & cycle recommendations.